Research Briefs

Far-red radiation supplied to basil seedlings improves yields
Influence of far-red intensity during the seeding stage on hydroponic lettuce
Canopy Fluorescence Imaging: a Simple, Non-Destructive Method to Monitor Crop Growth
Adding far-red light increases growth of foxglove seedlings grown in a growth chamber
Biomass and total incident canopy light are highly correlated in lettuce
Early canopy size can be used to screen for fast growing lettuce cultivars
Far-Red Light Can Give Far-Out Growth of Lettuce
Green light drives photosynthesis as effectively as red light at high light intensities
Longer photoperiods with the same daily light integral increase plant growth and photosynthesis
Researchers should better report key light ratios used during their plant lighting experiments
Simulated improvements in lettuce light use efficiency by extending the photoperiod
Which greenhouse herb responds stronger to supplemental light: Cilantro or Basil?
Prediction-based lighting approach reduces electricity cost significantly
Far-red Light Increases Early Light Interception and Final Yield of Lettuce
No evidence for beneficial effects of violet and UV-A wavelengths in anthocyanin synthesis in red lettuce
Supplemental Lighting Types Impact Nighttime Heating Requirements in CEA Facilities in Varying Scales by Climate
Why Does Mizuna Grow Faster than Lettuce?
Lighting strategy based on sunlight prediction reduce supplemental lighting
Lighting nitty gritty: Unit conversion, radiation distribution, and heat output of various lamp types