Webinar Series 2024- Recordings

Webinar #1- Project LAMP Webinar Series 2024- Dr. Neil Mattson-Cornell U

Title: “Showcase of LAMP lighting calculator tools: how many lights do I need and how much electricity will they take?”

The outreach and extension team from Project LAMP (Lighting Approaches to Optimize Profits), a USDA-NIFA sponsored project carrying out research and extension initiatives on Lightning Strategies for controlled environment agriculture (CEA) has carried out a series of Webinars on Lighting Strategies in CEA. The first webinar of the series on April 16 was presented by Dr. Neil Mattson from Cornell University, who gave an excellent showcase of different Lighting Calculators for use in CEA. Click on the video to watch his full presentation!

Webinar #2 -Project LAMP Webinar Series 2024 -Dr. Josh Craver-CSU

Title: “End-of-day (EOD) lighting strategies for greenhouse crop production”

The outreach and extension team from Project LAMP (Lighting Approaches to Optimize Profits), a USDA-NIFA sponsored project carrying out research and extension initiatives on Lightning Strategies for controlled environment agriculture (CEA), is carrying out a series of Webinars on Lighting Strategies in CEA. In this Webinar, Dr. Josh Craver from Colorado State University talks about “End-of-day (EOD) lighting strategies for greenhouse crop production”. Click on the video to watch his presentation!

Webinar #3 -Project LAMP Webinar Series 2024 -Dr. Nate Eylands-UMN

Title: “Far-red light: what is it doing to my plants?”

The outreach and extension team from Project LAMP (Lighting Approaches to Optimize Profits), a USDA-NIFA sponsored project carrying out research and extension initiatives on Lightning Strategies for controlled environment agriculture (CEA), is carrying out a series of Webinars on Lighting Strategies in CEA. In this Webinar, Dr. Nate Eylands from University of Minnesota talks about Far-red light and what is it doing to our plants. Click on the video above to watch his presentation!

Webinar #4 -Project LAMP Webinar Series 2024 -Dr. Ben Campbell -UGA

Title: “Economics of Lighting: Is it worth it?”

The outreach and extension team from Project LAMP (Lighting Approaches to Optimize Profits), a USDA-NIFA sponsored project carrying out research and extension initiatives on Lightning Strategies for controlled environment agriculture (CEA), is carrying out a series of Webinars on Lighting Strategies in CEA. In this Webinar, Dr. Ben Campbell from University of Georgia talks about the Economic Aspects of Lighting in Controlled Environment Agriculture. Click on the video above to watch his presentation!

Bonus Webinar- Project LAMP Students Lighting Talks on GLASE Webinar Series

Title: Lighting Approaches to Maximize Profit (LAMP) graduate student lightning talks (May/16/2024)

Project LAMP is a USDA-funded multi-institutional project with a broad goal of better understanding crop lighting needs to help CEA growers reduce production costs, while giving them more control over crop growth and quality. This webinar featured fast-paced talks from five graduate students researching different areas of plant lighting. Topics addressed included: integrating temperature and light control, assessing the environmental impact of LED fixtures, using chlorophyll fluorescence sensors to control supplemental lighting, end-of-day far-red lighting, and the interactive effects of far-red and daily light integral on petunias. We ended the webinar with a time for Q&A with all presenters.