Lighting Fact Sheets

Photoperiod Control Systems for Greenhouse Crops, Boyle, T., University of Massachusetts Amherst Extension, 2017 

Greenhouse Lighting, Neil S. Mattson, Cornell University Extension, 2014. 

Managing Photoperiod in the Greenhouse, Christoper J. Currey, Roberto G. Lopez and Erik S. Runkle, Purdue University Extension, 2013. 

Measuring Daily Light Integral in a Greenhouse, Arianna P. Torres and Roberto G. Lopez, Purdue University Extension. 

Greenhouse Energy Conservation Strategies, Erik Runkle, Michigan State University Extension, and A.J. Both, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011.  

Considering Supplemental Lighting?, A.J. Both, Rutgers University New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 2008. 

Evaluating Supplemental Light for Your Greenhouse, Paul Fisher, Caroline Donnelly and James Faust, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, 2001.